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Tradetron is a popular tool for automatic trading. It connects to many brokers and is fast and simple to use, making it great for people who want to start in algorithmic trading.

Tradetron keeps getting better. In this article, we talk about the good and bad sides of the Tradetron platform. This will help you figure out if it’s a good fit for you.

What’s Great About Tradetron

  1. No coding needed: On Tradetron, you can create trading strategies without any coding.
  2. Perfect for beginners: You don’t need any previous experience to start using Tradetron.
  3. Lots of broker options: Tradetron connects with many big brokers in India and the US, and they keep adding more. Check the current list here.
  4. Smart and quick: Tradetron has a powerful and speedy engine that works better than many others.
  5. Very affordable: Tradetron’s prices are low, starting at just 250 INR per month. Check out the prices here.
  6. Explore other people’s strategies: If you don’t want to make your own, you can try out strategies from others on the Tradetron marketplace.

Challenges with Tradetron

  1. Backtesting can be slow: While getting better, backtesting on Tradetron still needs some improvement.
  2. Some errors happen: There are times when errors pop up and they can be hard to fix.
  3. Basic support: The support team often gives simple answers to your questions.

Even with these issues, Tradetron is getting better every day and is growing in the world of algo trading.

To give Tradetron a try, click this link and start your journey.

For more information about Tradetron and how to get started, check this guide: Getting Started with Tradetron | Automated Trading Platform.

If you have any questions or thoughts about Tradetron, feel free to add them in the comments below.

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